Whats a good/free Dungeons & Dragons virtual tabletop? - virtual tabletop gaming warhammer
I need a good / Dungeons & Dragons free virtual table. for Windows XP.
Whats a good/free Dungeons & Dragons virtual tabletop? - virtual tabletop gaming warhammer
I need a good / Dungeons & Dragons free virtual table. for Windows XP.
Here is a little further
OpenRPG - http://www.openrpg.com/ very solid, but it seemed a bit difficult to understand at first too.
V-Fort - http://v-fort.org/ (which most likely is simply not enough options for what is likely to look for)
Fantasy Grounds II - http://www.fantasygrounds.com/ This is probably my favorite, complex but very easy to use. The only drawback is that it is free. There are currently liscence fee per player and the GM version. It is interesting in my opinion, but you may have different
and finally, as the 4th Edition comes WotC has its own virtual desktop, but not free.
The pricing should be 12-15 per month for unlimited access, you may, however, a number of tools from MS and electronic versions of Dragon and Dungeon magazines access, and virtual 3D-minis to use on your table
I look forward to WotC v-table, since it visually more attractive than others, and it is important to me. The factor of price is not my since we had to pay anyway, the magazine and other tools get anyway, the table is the icing on the cake for me.
Cluster. See below and good game!
I found gametes easy, but all are free to do what you want.
- R --
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